Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya, and why I do dislike Sen. John McCain.

Wow, well it's been a while since I blogged, and that's just a crying shame isn't it? I know you were all just pining for me to post up some more political and economic mumbo-jumbo so you can question either my thought process or my sanity. Let not your heart be troubled 'O reader of mine, for I am back and rip-rearing ready to go to set any an all info you've heard or seen in the past two months since I've posted last. That's right, its 2 months to the day that I posted my last little entry.

I believe the last one I posted about was the comparison between the US, China, and a bunch of old countries that are either falling apart with good food, or are falling apart with mediocre food (I'm looking at you Greece). Well not today friends, not today. I think we will start off with a magical little journey to the near east. Well, northern Africa to be exact. The little country of Libya, which has been in the news, has decided to have a little skirmish within it's borders. The UN has decided to intervene. Now normally I'd applaud the UN for having a spine, but let's face it, the only reason that the current president of the United States has told his ambassador to the UN the go-ahead with approval of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 (that's in 2011) to establish a "no-fly zone" over the sovereign nation Libya.

Now, this may not seem like a big deal. I mean, Quadaffi is a brutal thug-dictator, but his impotence is almost embarrassing. I mean in being a standard dictator bad-ass he has failed miserably. No one been shut up as quickly as he was. Granted most didn't need to, but when Reagan decided to bomb Tripoli in '86 for the attack on a night club in Berlin that killed a number of US servicemen in a night club, well you get the picture.

Either way, the problem I have with the UN, the EU, and the USA is quite simple. What has Quadaffi done? Ok, he oppresses his people. So does China, so does Saudi Arabia, so does every other 3rd world shit-hole nation. Hell, even the US oppresses people's rights and freedoms, so who are we to go into Libya and tell the Mad-man Quadaffi that he can't go and stomp out a rebellion? The major problem I have, and this is mainly with the US's foreign policy by both Republicans and Democrats is that they're war happy.

War happy politicians are the closest thing to pure scum on this planet. Maybe its because I'm elligible for the draft, maybe its because I'm a cynic, maybe it's because I'm tired of being yanked around like some rag-doll, but either way when a politician starts talking about military engagements it makes my skin crawl. Like this moron.

Yes, the man I foolishly voted for in the 2008 presidential election is (as I soon after realized to my dismay) a complete and utter fool. When people like Sen. McCain state that we should implement a "no-fly zone" over a sovereign nation, that requires military assets. Now, Libya isn't exactly Bangladesh here, they have a moderatly sophisticated anti-aircraft system composed of Surface-to-Air Missles or "SAM" sites all over the country. Now, the kicker of this "No-fly zone" resolution isn't just a resolution imposed by a global version of the student council, it also allows for full on attacks from both air and sea against Libyan military forces. This is a direct quote from the UN Resolution...

Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory...

Know what that means? That mean's we'll be doing this...

for these guys...

We will be doing their dirty work.

I don't like this. I don't mind if France and England and the rest of the "Arab League" get's their hands dirty; as a matter of fact I'd love to see French fighter/bombers fly over Tripoli and bomb the hell out of it. The simple fact is this, the UN loves to start wars, they love to interfere, the love to micromanage and inject their big-government, nanny state ways to become more powerful all while creating even more issues in their own wake. I really hope that President Obama won't commit US forces to this civil war in Libya.

Keep your eyes and ear's open, I know I will.


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