Thursday, November 11, 2010

You have metal...and Metal...and of course...METAL!

Ok, so this only has a little bit to do with METAL of the METAL kind, but it has to be said. In the early days of Glam Rock, (which is most defiantly not Metal) there was a band called Motley Crue. There's an umlaut in there, which makes them seem German and those Germans know how to rock, like the Scorpions for example.

I digress. One member of that mediocre band (filled with egotistical members in my mind), is going to be on "Skating with the Stars". That's right...this guy here is going to be doing ice dancing on national television.

Very not metal. The only good thing is that this guy here was so pissed at the man above...that they formed Metallica. Yes, a band so Metal, that they have Metal in their name.

Boom...James Hetfield.

To get back to the serious stuff though, commodities are on the rise still. There's been almost a dollar rise in soybeans, golds over $1400/oz, its gonna be brutal guys. There was almost no consensus at the G20 meeting. Germany, China, and others have been very aggressive in telling the US to stop devaluing the currency of choice, which luckily is still the US Dollar. There is really not telling how this will truly effect the US Economy. If we descend into a currency war with other nations, we will lose. Do not think that we can survive an massive devaluation of the US Dollar, we do not have the infrastructure or the wherewithall to survive a massive currency slide, or worse yet a massive flight of capital from the US economy. The Federal Reserves continued pumping of dollars will not work. In fact, it will do nothing but open a bigger hole in the sinking ship. If you own a home and can afford it. Get some food stored up. Prices will only be going up for the forseeable future, not only that, but its good to have a bit of food stored up. A chest freezer is a worthwhile investment.

Again, not to sound like a paranoid freakazoid, but if what could happen does happen and inflation hits hot and heavy, we will all be in a world of hurt.

Keep your eyes and ears open, I know I will


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