Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's such a simple concept...

I'm watching "Supersize Me" on Planet Green HD. I should be going to bed within minutes, but I couldn't take it anymore, needed to vent, and since this is going out to the infinity of the world wide web, I figure someone will read it...especially if I post the link on my facebook status, but that's beside the point.

Everyone has a pet peeve, and I have a few. Like people who don't drive fast enough in the left hand lane, but I think my biggest peeve is enviromentalists.

Now, don't take this the wrong way if you're concerned about the environement, I am too. I don't want people to dump toxic waste in rivers or to poach animals, but I hate it when people try to shove ideas down my throat, or who do things that are totally unreasonable to attempt to prove a point.

This Morgan Spurlock fella apparently eats McDonalds for every meal for 30 days. So, after eating what I guess is a total vegan diet prior, he decides to delve into the world of further processed fast food. The only problem is that he is unreasonable. No one eats nothing but McD's, or if you do, not everyone gets the Breakfast Platter, then a supersized Big Mac meal, and then a Double Quarter Pounder, again supersized. Oh, I forgot to add he picked the most unhealthy soda, and he picked up shakes, and sundaes, and parfaits...a completely unreasonable meal. I am a big guy, I love fast food, but I would never have a Big Mac, and a Shake, and a Sundae.

What's the problem? Like I had said, he is unreasonable, as are most people like him. They try to prove a point by being unreasonable. Yes, fast food is dangerous, but so is walking down the street, but you don't see people making documentaries about the dangers of uneven concrete and inattentive drivers which could result in broken bones. But then, I'll be told that's not the point, that he's attempting to show the truth about the evils of big food.

Whatever. As long as people are stupid enough to forget that anything is dangerous out of modeation, there will be people like this Morgan Spurlock who has had not only a mediocre career (in film terms) but he's one of these in which no one cares. His documentary did nothing to stop the evils of McDonald, instead he just gave people like me a premise in which to launch the first of many salvo's.

It's late, my mind is foggy...and I just saw this lady compare ham to heroine...and that's where I draw the line. Ham is not heroine, but vegan lady thinks bacon is immoral, and there is nothing immoral about bacon.

Keep your eyes open, I know I will,


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