Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is bullying bullying all the time? Or just when we want it to be?

Hey Everyone, its been forever and a half since I posted anything, so I figured I'd give you and update, and give you something that I have been looking at over the last day or so and it's really bothered me, so I figured I'd try and let you see what I think and let you have your say.
First thing's first! My good friend Brian Mason has started a website, and I'll try to contribute to that as faithfully as I can, possibly linking both this site and the wonderful Masmus.com which will have not only my awesome takes on everything that I'm even halfways good at, but also Brian's takes on everything sports and all the great things he knows a lot about. So, my plan is to keep this up and running (I think) and put some stuff on here exclusivly, put stuff up on Masmus.com exclusivly, and have a majority be both here and there. So, now that that is out of the way...lets start off with what's been bothering me as of late...
This image has surfaced on Facebook, circulating throughout my friends list, and for seemingly good reasons...here is said image.
Now, after reading the text on the page, I was bothered right away. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just didn't sit right with me. There was something about how it was written, what was said, who wrote it and who it was to that just didn't jive with me. After staring at it for a few moments longer, taking a drink of this delicious Simply Orange with Mango, it dawned on me like the light hits the Rockies in the morning. While everyone is applauding this child raised by homosexual fathers for sticking up for the homosexual child being bullied by the implied straight child, I find it rather ironic that the "linebacker with two amazing fathers" is getting as much praise as he is considering the fact that the one thing he is threatening is physical violence. Now, its not a "take my Butterfinger, and I'll knock your teeth out" kind of threat, one that is verbal and has no real recourse or intention. No, this threat was thought of, typed up, printed, and then (again assumed) delivered either by hand or by placing it in an area that "bully" was likely to see it.
Last time I checked, and I'm no legal mind, if you threaten someone with even a vague threat to do bodily harm and have the means to do it, depending on the state statue that could be a fairly serious crime. In the state in which I live, that could be considered harassment, or even a more serious crime as it is a threat to do bodily harm...last time I checked when someone threatened to beat someone else up, they didn't get a "attaboy" for being possibly a bigger bully themselves. What has our world come to when the logical next step for standing up for someone is to threaten someone else with physical damage and to essentially terrorize the other individual with a written warning? Not only is that illogical, its down right wrong.
If the gay student was being pushed around and beat up, then what makes it right for linebacker with 2 dads to do the same thing to bully kid? Two wrongs never make a right, and usually the 2nd wrong is far worse than the first.

Keep your eyes open, I know I will


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