Friday, June 29, 2012

An Open Letter to President Abraham Lincoln...

(Let me preface this all, by stating there will be slightly foul language, for this I will not apologize. If the use of said "foul language" does offend you, then please read on, because chances are you need to be offended. It'll make you feisty, and who doesn't like that?!

Mr. Lincoln,

You good sir, are an asshole. You did a wonderful thing signing the Emancipation Proclamation, and for that I thank you; slavery is a horrible, terrible thing. However, that being said, what you have done to this great nation through your actions in the Civil War against the sovereign States, specifically ending the social compact through which this country was founded allowing States to join and secede from the union in peace was ended. To you it was more important to save this "union".

Mr. President, a union no matter the definition, has the simple requirement of all parties having free choice to join or not. I cannot tell my wife to stop an activity I may detest, force her to pay me for her activity if she chooses to continue, and then if she were to defy my command, and hand me divorce papers hold a gun to her head and beat her senseless until she has no choice but to submit. A union is built on trust, understanding, compromise, and the ability of one party leave if the situation becomes hostile or unlivable. Your use of deadly force to maintain this "union" is no longer a joining of these United States by free and open choice. Instead, you coerced the states by literally putting a gun to the head of each state that rebelled. What you saw as the only choice to keep the young nation together, that doctrine of force, is what is preventing these 50 experiments of representative government to truly reach their full potential. It is through judicial activism, a never ending congress, and a constant growth of the power of the executive branch that we as a nation become less free each and every day. If it is not a mandate to the state using barely intelligible excuses at vague clauses in the Constitution, it is then one of the amendments to the constitution that your war started that is used. You alone have been the catalyst to the growth of government overreach and oversight that in your time had happened only 4 score and 7 years prior to your now famous Gettysburg address.

Instead, you have killed the only true check these States have against a tyrannical Federal Government. The only recourse that the people had. The government is no longer by the people. You killed that. I hope you're pleased at what has happened over the last nearly 150 years.



Keep your eyes open. I know I will.

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